WARNING: DO NOT FLASH FS files!!!! Only MAIN is to to be flashed!!!
its a little more complicated than cid36 mod.
1. Download W800_R1BC002....RED36 from the source of your choice, topsony.com for an example.
2. Run it through darkmensmain2raw.exe. This extractes the raw binary from the old flashimage.
3. Compile sw.cpp & chksum.cpp from w800_slidingwindows_source.zip
(g++ -O3 sw.cpp -o sw.exe)
(g++ -O3 chksum.cpp -o chksum.exe)
or download them from post #11.
4. Add W800_add.bin to the end of the raw image from main2raw. (cat W800_add.bin >> W800.raw)
5. run "sw.exe W800_header.bin W800.raw" and let the windows slide wink.gif
6. Add W800_end_R1BC002_EU_EMEA.bin to the out.bin that the sw.exe run resulted in. (cat W800_end.bin >> out.bin)
7. To make sure that all went well, run "chksum out.bin" All blocks should have matching checksums exept block #291.
8. Flash the image out.bin with PhoneXC (DCU-60) using R2B Flashloader. R2B crashes a lot on loading the loader, just restart and try again. PhoneXC is here.
You can keep your old K750 filesystem R1BC002, R1CA021 or R1DB001 ad still use the W800 firmware without loosing any functionality exept that you get english menus only.
src: W800 CID49 R1BC002 Firmware. - SE-NSE Forums
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